Ebook-Download Moon River and Me Memoir, by Andy Williams
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Moon River and Me Memoir, by Andy Williams

Ebook-Download Moon River and Me Memoir, by Andy Williams
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Taschenbuch: 320 Seiten
Verlag: Plume; Auflage: Reprint (30. November 2010)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0452296528
ISBN-13: 978-0452296527
ASIN: B0058M748Q
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14,3 x 1,9 x 21,6 cm
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This was a surprisingly interesting read; given Andy's public persona as being a mild man with no blemish to his name. Starting as a very young child, the story takes you through all the hard work and discipline his dad instilled in all the Williams' boys, taking them from a dusty poor town to bigger and bigger cities as they strove to make a name for themselves in show business. Ultimately, it was Andy who succeeded so well. It explored just what it took to achieve fame and fortune, and those down periods in between. From Vegas to LA to New York to London, Andy performed in any number of venues, some really no more than a seedy bar. His friendships, his romantic life, what he sacrificed by being away from his family really gave me an excellent picture of Andy Williams, the man, as well as the performer. I was sorry when the book ended.
I love Andy Williams. Saw him with my family in San Francisco in December of 2003. His voice was golden as ever. Considering the lack of autobiographies, or biographies for that matter, of the great popular singers, this book came as a surprise. I saw it at the airport in Baltimore and was surprised to see it. I didn't see any promotion for this book. Had I not seen it there, I never would have known about it. I enjoyed the book tremendously. I didn't realize how poor his family was. It was his father that decided to use music to make certain his boys would not have to live in such poverty and saw it as their way out. A lot of interesting stories, particularly about song writer Kay Thompson, the woman who almost single handedly made Andy's career. Even though I really enjoyed the book, I was disappointed with the lack of mention of the actual recording sessions, his opinion about the arrangers he worked with (except the ones he mentions on his TV shows, and the brief mentions of Archie Blyer) and how he was treated by Columbia Records. I found it curious in the fact that he said he bought the master tapes of all his recordings for Cadence and had them subsequently reissued on Columbia. This is interesting to me because when I purchased the reissues of the Cadence recordings on CD that were issued by Sony (which now owns the Columbia records library) I was disappointed at the incredibly poor quality of the transfer. Yet, when I bought the same Cadence recordings issued by Varese Sarabande, they sound excellent. So I wonder if Sony only had inferior copies of Andy's master tapes, or did Andy choose not to license the master tapes to Sony? So more clarification on why this is would have been helpful. I also wanted more insight in his style of recording, how often he rehearses and if he had any preferences for any particular arranger or conductor. So I guess I wanted a more insightful look at Andy the musician, in addition to all the great stories he had told. A minor quibble, but as a huge music fan, I would have found this material invaluable. I would have also liked a discography of his recorded works. That too is also absent, but again, this is a memoir and not intended as a discography of his recordings, but even a small discogarphy would have been welcome. One the whole, the book is very enjoyable and is a must for all Andy fans.
I hesitate to review memoirs, because it's unfair to critique the memories another person values and feels compelled to share--a person's life is what it is--but I do want to recommend Moon River and Me: A Memoir to anyone who, like me, grew up watching Andy Williams on television in the '60s. Written in a relaxed, conversational style reflective of Andy's on-air demeanor, this autobiography is easily and quickly read, yet it doesn't gloss over or shy away from the singer's most painful moments--from his early struggles as a solo performer to the sensationalized trial of former wife Claudine Longet to his confusion over lack of career and personal direction following the demise of his television series. Yet it is his personal losses about which he reflects most poignantly--the premature death of a sickly little brother, the sudden and violent death of close friend Bobby Kennedy, the deaths of his beloved parents and his eldest brother, and other close friends.In a career that has spanned eight decades, it's virtually impossible to recapture every highlight, but it's easy to guess the periods he most fondly recalls: the radio career with his brothers, up to and including the nightclub act with Kay Thompson and The Williams Brothers; the decade long run of his NBC television series; and the move to Branson. As all lengthy careers are, his was periodically interrupted by periods of lesser success and uncertain direction, yet given time, he bounces back by making sometimes surprising career moves that ultimately result in personal and professional triumph.Having grown up watching The Andy Williams Show (especially his Christmas specials), listening to my mother's Andy Williams records, and generally following his career, I was already familiar with some of what Andy writes about in his memoir, post-series. What intrigued me most was that period of his early life and career which ultimately led to the peak of his '60s popularity. I knew he had grown up singing with his brothers on the radio, but I hadn't realized the ambition of Jay Williams for his sons (in a saga that closely mirrors that of the Osmond family--it's no wonder the two families found common ground). I think most people of my generation don't realize the importance of radio success to the careers of so many stars of Hollywood's Golden Age, and I enjoyed reading about how Jay Williams wheeled and dealed to open important doors for his sons, doors which ultimately led to singer/vocal arranger/dancer/comedienne/songwriter Kay Thompson. I had heard of Kay Thompson, of course (she is the distinguished author of the classic Eloise books, and the dynamo who stole Funny Face right out from under Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn) but I hadn't really connected her to the Williams Brothers until recently, upon reading excerpts from Sam Irvin's thoroughly-researched biography Kay Thompson: From Eloise to Funny Face. Fascinating stuff (and I highly recommend Irvin's book for an even more detailed account of the success of Kay Thompson and the Williams Brothers, not to mention Kay's secret affair with a very young Andy--his work has the enthusiastic endorsement of all three surviving Williams brothers).I also enjoyed his memories of The Andy Williams Show, particularly his description of various guest stars, most of whom he seemed very fond (and, indeed, many stars made repeat visits to Andy's show). His hero-worship of Bing Crosby is delightfully evident, as is his love and respect for those with whom he worked regularly, like Jonathan Winters, Henry Mancini, and the Osmond Brothers. And, as difficult as it was to read, Andy's recollections of former wife's Claudine Longet's trial re-enforced my respect and admiration for him. I vividly recall the lurid and omnipresent tabloid headlines and media coverage(which rivaled that of the O.J. Simpson trial) that would've broken most families, and I greatly admire his strength, composure, and commitment to protecting his children and their mother. And his unique perspective on the assassination of Robert Kennedy is both heartbreaking and oddly inspirational (and led me to search for live news coverage accounts on the assassinations of both Kennedys on YouTube).I love the Branson story. It took guts for Andy to make both a personal and professional move that perhaps defied common sense, yet knew was right for him. In our ageist culture, society sometimes ridicules the desires, talents, and contributions of its aging population, but Andy followed his muse and seems to have found something more precious than fame or fortune--contentment and peace.
Being an Andy Williams fan for years and having enjoyed his regular TV program, specials & Christmas shows as well lured me into buying this book. I'd also seen him perform earlier (in RI in the 80's) on one of his tours and hoped one day to see him perform at his Moon River showplace in Branson. Circumstances didn't allow for the latter to occur, but I loved reading the book and having him share some of his life experiences with all of us. He didn't just relate all the good times, but also some of his struggles from childhood years, starting out in the business, recording and performing through the years, marriages and family, etc. A really WARM book to read --- with some photos taken over the years --- much like the warm person he was and we all enjoyed for SO many years. Buy & read this book as you will NOT be disappointed; but rather learn more about him than you already knew. He will be missed by so many for so long!!
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